- Account Information Account Information
- Existing Accounts Existing Accounts
- Creating/Editing Invitations Creating/Editing Invitations
- Sending Invitations Sending Invitations
- Poply Premium Poply Premium
- Subscriptions Subscriptions
- RSVP & Guest Management RSVP & Guest Management
- Adding Contacts Adding Contacts
- Guests Guests
- Adding Photos/Videos to Invitations Adding Photos/Videos to Invitations
- Mobile Devices Mobile Devices
- Virtual Events Virtual Events
Account Information
Existing Accounts
Creating/Editing Invitations
- How do I create an invitation to an event?
- How do I edit or change my invitation?
- How do I change the template after I've created my invitation?
- Can I add a clickable link (e.g. registry, poll, survey) to my invitation?
- How do I cancel my event?
- How do I create an event in a different timezone?
Sending Invitations
Poply Premium
- What is included with a Premium invitation? How is a Premium invitation different from a free invitation?
- How much does a Poply Premium invitation cost?
- How do I purchase Poply Premium?
- Do guests pay to use Poply or Poply Premium?
- Do children without email or phone numbers count as part of my 12 free guest invitations?
- Refunds
RSVP & Guest Management
- How do I hide the guest list on my invitation?
- How can I see if a guest received or opened my invitation?
- How do I message my guests about my event?
- Can a host set or change a guest's RSVP response?
- Can I print or download my guest list?
- Can I track who received a My Link invitation?
Adding Contacts
Adding Photos/Videos to Invitations
- How do I add custom photos to my invitation?
- How do I add custom videos to my invitation?
- I would like to customize an invitation but don't have photos. What can I do?
- Do you have videos I can use to customize my invitation?
- Can I include music or other sounds with my video customizations?
- Is there a minimum or maximum size when I am customizing with my own photo?