We have the perfect tool for you to use! We have partnered with Unsplash to provide free, stock photos you can use to customize your invitations. Here is how you can add these photos to your invitations:
- Select an invitation style you like from one of our categories.
- Click the button to Customize the invitation.
- Fill in your event details on the About, Where, When, and Settings pages.
See: How to create an invitation to an event. - If using a browser: on the Customize page click Select Photo > Choose from Gallery from the menu under the photo you would like to change.
If using the app: Click Customize on the invitation preview page. On the Photos page click Select Image > Browse Free Photos from the menu under the photo you would like to change. - Enter a search term in the pop-up box -- for example, "cocktails" for a cocktail party, "flowers" for a garden party, or "autumn" for an invitation to Thanksgiving dinner. Click Search.
- Scroll through the photos until you find one you like, then click on the photo. (If you don't find a choice you like you can search with a different search term.)
- Once you have selected a photo, you will be taken to an editing screen where you can rotate your photo if you need to and select the portion of the photo that will display on your invitation. When you are finished editing your photo, click Save in the browser or Done in the app.
- The photo you selected will now display in your invitation.